Four weeks to better well-being

Trying to improve your well-being? Commit to spending four weeks making small steps to better finances, health, work and life.

Finances: Many people aim to “spend less and save more.” But financial wellness is about more than that. It’s also about knowing where you stand, and spending money in a way that you value.

Health: Having trouble meeting your goals to eat healthier or exercise more? These goals can be hard to reach, so try focusing on doing one manageable thing each day.

Work: If you’re working, chances are your job is one of your biggest sources of stress. You can feel better about the time you spend at work, and perhaps even do better in your job, if you take care of yourself.

Life: Interested in increasing happiness, meaning, and purpose in your life? Steps aimed at increasing resilience and maintaining social connections will get you on your way.


Week 1
  • Sunday: Write down three goals you have in life. (People with goals tend to be more focused and happier.)
  • Monday: Choose a positive thought for the day — like “I enjoy my work.” or “I’m so grateful.”
  • Tuesday: If you have a meeting that doesn’t require you to use your computer, make it a walk-and- talk outside. If the weather isn’t cooperating, walk around indoors a bit.
  • Wednesday: No matter how much you exercise, stand up and move around for at least one minute every hour you’re at work.
  • Thursday: Clean your desk.
  • Friday: Think about creative ways to take your vacation — just spend a few minutes fantasy planning.
  • Saturday: Check your retirement savings benefits and account balance. Consider increasing your annual savings by 1%.
Week 2
  • Sunday: Go to sleep 30 minutes earlier. (If you don’t sleep well, try making your room cooler and darker.)
  • Monday: Automate your savings. Your retirement savings is likely automatic, but you can also make automatic deposits into an account for emergency savings or vacation.
  • Tuesday: Share three good things that happened today with a friend or partner.
  • Wednesday: If something is worrying you, talk to a colleague with more experience or friend who can help you put things in perspective.
  • Thursday: Check your posture. When you’re sitting at your desk, straighten your back and put your feet flat on the floor.
  • Friday: Write down the things you spend money on that you truly value. That’s where you should focus your spending—and your time.
  • Saturday: If you tend to worry, try replacing “what if …” with “even if …” when something that worries you crosses your mind.
Week 3
  • Sunday: Make a plan to use all of your vacation time this year.
  • Monday: Set aside 30 minutes at the beginning and end of each day to regroup.
  • Tuesday: Check your debt balances. Consider making a small increase in repayments.
  • Wednesday: Take a few minutes to research ways to help others. It may seem like you don’t have time, but even a small kindness has hugely positive emotional benefits.
  • Thursday: Write a list of the things that are worrying you and cross off everything you have no control over. Let those things go.
  • Friday: Make a plan for your annual health checkups. Put reminders on your calendar for the dates of doctor visits or calls.
  • Saturday: Plan your meals for the week.  It will help cut down on impulse eating and increase your likelihood of making healthy meals.
Week 4
  • Sunday: Ask for help. Whether you are struggling with a decision, need a ride, or just need a hug, reach out when you need someone.
  • Monday: The next time someone asks you to take on something you can’t handle, give yourself permission to politely decline. It’s ok to say no.
  • Tuesday: Make a donation to your favorite charity, no matter how small.
  • Wednesday: Take 2 minutes to close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Thursday: Stop multitasking. Focus on what you’re working on in the moment.
  • Friday: Try eating an extra serving of fruit or vegetables today.
  • Saturday: Write down three financial goals and post the list somewhere you can see it, so you keep your eye on these goals.
